
Mostrando postagens de 2017

How to get Oracle Database dependents objects

Hi folks, (português mais abaixo) After some time I decided to continue posting at this blog even having a channel on youtube. My channel was created to share some stuff like tips, experiences, tutorials about Databases (specially Oracle), Linux and new techologies all in portuguese language. If you are interested in this stuff, please go to and subscribe.  Today, I'm glad to share with you a query to get objects dependencies in Oracle Databases. It's very useful when you have to change some object and want to see if some others objects have to be updated too to avoid a broken application. Here I'm using a hierarchical query to get object depedency by level:  SELECT LPAD('-',level) || owner || '.' || name ||'('|| type || ')' DEPENDENCY FROM dba_dependencies  CONNECT BY PRIOR owner = referenced_owner AND prior name = referenced_name  AND prior type = referenced_type  START WI...